What Next?
We will be spending the coming months working with members to decide if the conditional agreement is right for LNIB. This will be a clear and open process including a member referendum. The referendum will take place in February 2017, with in-person, online and phone voting.
Community information meetings will take place between January 9th and February 16th. These meetings will be designed to openly discuss the conditional agreement and answer any questions our members have. Official times and dates of meetings will be announced at a later date.
If you have any questions, we will do our best to answer them as quickly as possible. You can:
Email askus@lnib.net
Submit a question through the website at www.lnib.net.
Call the band office 250-378-5157
View the latest information as it becomes available on the website and Lower Nicola Indian Band Facebook page.
A copy of the full conditional Mutual Benefits Agreement can be viewed at:
209 Carrall Street #215
Vancouver BC
Raymond Phillips, Barrister & Solicitor
216-345 Chief Alex Thomas Way
Kamloops BC
LNIB Lands & Economic Development Office
181 Nawishaskin Lane
Merritt, BC