Referrals Technician:
Forestry Technician:
Edward Payne
Email: edward.payne@lnib.net
Managing Aquatics Biologist:
Mac Jedrzejczyk
Email: mac.jedrzejczyk@lnib.net
Title & Rights Administrator:
Aidan Whiteley
Email: aidan.whiteley@lnib.net -
Referrals Clerk/Field Technician:
Jayda Clark
Email: jayda.clark@lnib.net
Responsibilities falling under Referrals and Environment include providing guidance to Band Council and Administration around natural resource matters. The department is responsible for managing referrals, as well as project funding related to natural resources and the environment.
We have a responsibility to past, present, and future generations of our people to steward our lands and resources, advance our Title and Rights, and protect our culture and way of life. One of the ways we accomplish this is through how we make decisions in a manner that reflects our worldview and values, is consistent with our laws and teachings, and is based on comprehensive information reflecting both traditional knowledge and the contemporary approaches and insights.
On an annual basis the Band receives approximately 500 referrals, requesting comment from LNIB regarding our concerns or interests regarding the proposed project, license or permit. The Referrals staff is responsible for the processing, providing comment, tracking of referral correspondence while keeping leadership informed and advised.
To better understand LNIB’s Decision Making Policy and to receive guidance on submitting referrals to the Band, please review our decision making policy HERE.
Nłeʔkepmx Territory are “priceless” and despite growing pressure on them we believe through sustainable management following Nłeʔkepmx principles that there are adequate resources throughout the territory to support our membership in a manner consistent with our Vision Statement:
“….We, the people of the Lower Nicola Indian Band, commit ourselves to being a peaceful prosperous and secure community made up of healthy individuals rooted in the Nłeʔkepmx culture, respecting ourselves, each other, the environment and all of Creation. We will honor and protect our children, the sacred gifts from the Creator, and our elders, the wisdom keepers…..”
With the priceless nature of these values in mind, staff provides environmental review and support in a variety of capacities including:
Referrals review
Major project reviews
Environmental Management Planning
Cultural Heritage field surveys and monitoring
Environmental field surveys and Monitoring