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Status Cards

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Has your status card expired? Has it been lost or stolen? We can help!

When you need a replacement status card, you have the option between:

[expand title=”Certificate of Indian Status (CIS) Card“]

CIS or “paper laminate” cards are made in the Band office by our Indian Registry Administrators. (Currently no “paper laminate” cards in stock as of today, February 21, 2023)

  • Available in LNIB office upon appointment (see below)[/expand]


[expand title=”Secure Certificate of Indian Status (SCIS) Card“]

SCIS are the newer plastic cards made and distributed by Indigenous Services Canada.

  • Applications forms for the SCIS are available online
    • The free ISC photo app is available from the Apple Store or Google Play, and syncs with your application once sent to ISC/INAC
  • Can be used in place of a passport for travel to the US by land (i.e.: driving across the border)
  • There is a wait time for ISC to process and mail out SCIS cards[/expand]


Appointments for Status Cards MUST BE BOOKED from Monday to Wednesday from 9:30 am – 2:30 pm.

Please bring two (2) pieces of ID when applying for a status.

* LNIB currently charges a $50.00 fee to process a CIS for individuals registered with other First Nations. *

  • One piece of primary I.D. or two pieces of secondary I.D.
  • One of which must have a digitized photo
Primary ID Secondary ID Other ID (counts as 1 piece of Secondary ID)
–       Valid Canadian Passport
–       New Plastic CIS issued after 2002.
–       Certificate of Birth
–       Marriage or Divorce Certificate
–       Provincial Identification Card
–       Driver’s License
–       Employee I.D. with digitized photo
–       Student I.D. with digitized photo
–       Firearms license
–       Guarantor’s form approved by Indian Registration and band lists Manager. AANDC, BC Regional office