Bridget Labelle
Email: bridget.labelle@lnib.net
Telephone: 250-378-5157
Fax: 250-378-9137
Address: 230 Hwy 8 West
Social Development
Social Development Manager – Vacant
Social development
Elders Programs
Youth Program Support
Patient Travel
Help community members in completing application forms such as Veterans Allowance, Old Age Security, Guaranteed Income Supplement, Child Tax Benefits, etc.
Work directly with families who have been referred by outside agencies. Works collaboratively with outside community agencies for client and community betterment.
Acts as Lower Nicola Indian Bands representative for children and families who are working with Child and Family Service agencies by making sure their rights are upheld. The Designated Band Representative provides guidance, advocacy and support to Lower Nicola Member children, youth and families who are working with Delegated Aboriginal Agencies or the ministry of children and family development.
First Nation Representative Services activities include, but are not limited to:
- serving as the main contact between a First Nation and child and family services providers
- exercising the rights and responsibilities of the First Nation under provincial, territorial, and federal child and family services laws
- ensuring that child and family services providers address the real needs of First Nations children, youth, and families, including needs tied to culture, land and geography, and the effects of historical and contemporary disadvantage.
- building and maintaining meaningful cultural, family, and community connections for First Nations children, youth, and families involved with the child and family services system.
- facilitating the repatriation and/or reunification of children and youth in care with their family and First Nation(s)
supporting First Nations children, youth and families involved or at risk of involvement with the child and family services system outside of their home communities, including working across different regions and jurisdictions. - supporting First Nations youth and young adults with post-majority support services
- participating in child and family services administrative and court proceedings
- accessing legal resources to represent the First Nation’s interests in child and family services administrative and court proceedings.
- receiving and responding to notices under provincial, territorial, and federal child and family services laws
helping families access prevention supports - supporting customary care, kinship care and alternative care arrangements
providing or arranging for alternative dispute resolution (e.g., circle processes and Indigenous approaches) - monitoring agreements with child and family services providers pertaining to individual children, youth, and families.
- participating in the development and monitoring of service plans with child and family services providers, for example:
Child, youth, or family care plans
Safety planning
Permanency planning
After care plans
Youth transition/post-majority care plans - Developing and monitoring protocols or service agreements with child and family services providers
Social Development-Social Assistance
Jenna Hill – Social Development Coordinator
Email: jenna.hill@lnib.net
Who to Contact for SA Sign Ups: Social Development Jenna Hill or the Community Services Assistant Kaitlin Basil.
Who to Contact for Purchase Orders: Office Administrator (If Approved by Director of Human Services Prior), Social Development, Community Services Assistant, and Director of Human Services (If no one else is available, on Emergency Basis).
Who to Contact for Patient Travel/Medical Appointments: Community Services Assistant.
Public Notice: Cheque Day is on the 1st of each month. If the 1st is on a weekend or Stat Holiday, Cheque Day will be the Business Day before the Office is Closed. Contact the Office Prior to Cheque Day if you would like someone to pick up on your behalf or to be mailed.
*Contact the Office Administrator regarding Cheques, Direct Deposit and Utility Payments; Social Development cannot issue Payments.
Public Notice: Cheque Cut Off Day is Tuesday; 12 pm. Cheques will be processed and ready the following Friday unless otherwise stated by the Office Administrator.
*Just because a Request is Submitted does not mean a Cheque will be granted. Only Requests that meet Eligible Requirements.
Social Development is a monthly benefit most people get when they live on reserve and need assistance. You must
- Live on reserve
- Do not have enough money to meet your needs
- Have no other reasonable way of getting money
- Be 19 years of age
There are four types of monthly benefits:
- Social Assistance
- Persons with disabilities
- Persons with persistent multiple barriers
- Hardship assistance
To find out if you qualify, please make an appointment by calling Human Services. At your appointment, you will be asked to provide
- One piece of photo ID
- One piece of other ID
- One piece of ID for each dependent child
- Social insurance Number card
For proof of financial situation, please bring
- an up to date bank statement
- rent receipt, fuel and utilities receipts
- statements showing recent income (pay stub)
- documents about your WorkSafe compensation or Employment Insurance benefits
If you don’t live on reserve, Social Assistance is called Income Assistance and you must apply to the BC Ministry of Social Development (you need to fill in an online application before your intake interview).
Please note that the requirements and program details are set by the senior government and not by Lower Nicola Indian Band.
Clients Rights and Responsibilities January 2002
Monthly Renewal Form (Spouse)
Job Search Form
Patient Travel
Kaitlin Basil – Patient Travel/Community Services Assistant
Email: kaitlin.basil@lnib.net
Patient travel for the community members when they have medical appointments out of town. Also helps Jenna Hill with Social Assistance.
Community Health Nurse
Asia Elliott
Offers routine immunizations for infants, school age, and adults; annual flu vaccine clinics; maternal/infant wellness, Ages and Stages Questionnaire, WHO Growth Charts, Post-Partum depression screening, car seat safety, hearing/vision/developmental referrals to outside agencies; Tuberculosis (TB) services, skin tests, chest x-ray requisitions, TB IGRA requisitions, TB medication dispensary; delivers annual BCCDC Mobile Mammogram Clinic and Seabird Mobile Diabetic surveillance programs, Covid-19 screening tests and Covid-19 information sharing.
Homecare Nurse
Homecare Nurse – Vacant
• Case Management (Family consults, staff consults, in-putting statistical information, Case reviews and follow-ups, interdisciplinary team consults, phone calls, teleconferences, etc.)
• Hospital discharge planning
• Assessments (homecare admissions and health monitoring)
• Care plans (updating charts according to health changes)
• Advocacy (providing palliative support, hospital visits)
• Home Visits/1:1 consultation
• Health Monitoring (vitals, bld. sugar checks, nursing procedures)
• Teaching (diabetic teaching, nutrition, cholesterol, hypertension, etc.)
• Medication Review
• Foot Care (conduct assessments)
• Wound Management
• Doctor Visits (attend Doctor visit with client as needed for in-depth follow-up)
• Networking (attending workshops, community events, referrals to various health providers such as, Occupational therapist, dietician, Merritt Home & Community Care, Vision and Hearing, Orthopedics, podiatrists etc.)
• Supervise the home & community care staff in scheduling and developing individual client-based care plans based on their needs.
Yvelaine Moses, HCA
Danielle McDougall, HCA
Vacant, Home Maker
Personal care
• Dressing, bath assist, oral hygiene, meal prep & services
• Soup kitchen every Wednesday
• In home meal prep, Monitor & Client support
• Monitor vitals (BP, random blood glucose, pulse, weight, Sp02) during home visits and at Elders Luncheon
• Medication reminders and visual checks
• Basic transfers and stand by assistance
Tony Broman Irene Howe
tony.broman@lnib.net irene.howe@lnib.net
The LNIB Counseling Team offers private, respectful support for personal and relationship struggles that become more than people want to face on their own. Our efforts to support involve empowering people to consider their struggle and their options carefully to create a workable plan and resolve things. We work from Monday to Friday, 8:30 – 4:30.
Courtney Hogue-Charters, Elders Program Coordinator
Email: courtney.hogue-charters@lnib.net
Johnel Toodlican, Elders and Community Support Worker
Email: Johnel.Toodlican@lnib.net
The Elders Program provides homecare support, meals and activities for our Elders. By the way, an Elder is anyone is over 60 years old.
Jacint Majlath
Email: jacint.majlath@lnib.net
The recreation team provides a unique program with various activities that encourages all ages to participate. The recreation coordinator is open to adventurous involvements with team sports and activities. The recreation team will develop programs and activities that encourage health and wellness for LNIB members and community.
Health and Wellness/Family Activities
Christie Hill Marilynne Munro
Health and Wellness Coordinator Family Activities Coordinator
Email: christie.hill@lnib.net Email: marilynne.munro@lnib.net
The family and wellness programs offer a variety of activities for families to participate in. They also support and facilitate our parents & babes program. The Communities special events are facilitated through this program: community fun-day, Easter, Christmas, Halloween etc. with the support of other program staff.
Office Administrator
Anastasia Basil-Dan
Email: anastasia.basil-dan@lnib.net
Processing of payments for Social assistance and Patient travel cheques. She offers administrative support to the human services sector.
Culture Revitalization
Carole Basil Joe Shuter
Email: carole.basil@lnib.net Email: joe.shuter@lnib.net
The key to revitalizing ancestral LNIB Culture Practices is having more people (individuals of all ages, families, neighborhoods, and the community as a whole) more aware of traditional culture practice, and practice them more often in their daily lives and special community culture events.
If you have had a death in the family, LNIB is here to assist our Members.
This form requesting assistance can be filled out and submitted on-line.
Contact for funeral assistance is Director of Human Services, Bridget Labelle. (On Leave)
Email: bridget.labelle@lnib.net or call 250-378-4089.
Carole Basil filling in for Bridget 250-378-5157 or email carole.basil@lnib.net
Foot care will be provided by Sonia Antoine for Elders and diabetics living on LNIB reserve. Anyone who is not an Elder or diabetic must have a Doctor’s note recommending foot care. Anyone wishing to receive these services can contact the Health Centre.
Youth Support Program
Age Ranges: 13-18 years
Lower Nicola/Community Members have priority seating when limited. *
One to One Support
Group Support
Life Skills Development
Afterschool Activities
Nłeʔkepmx Culture Connection
Youth Justice Support
Volunteer Opportunities
Two-Spirited Inclusive (LGBTQ2+)
The Youth Program Coordinator will work with the youth to develop a ‘Monthly Program Calendar’ of events and activities, as well as, in collaboration with other LNIB Departments.
For more information contact the Youth Program Coordinator:
The LNIB Youth Center is currently under maintenance and a Grand Opening will be announced when available.
Youth Program Registration Information for Parents/Guardians:
For LNIB Community Based Youth Programing not Requiring Transportation: Youth Drop In’s sign in on a Participation Sheet; no need to Register as long as Parents are aware of their whereabouts.
For Travel or Outings out of town, Youth Program Registration Forms are Required for each participant.*