Our Culture
The Nłeʔkepmxc Nation (pronounced Ng-khla-kap-muhx) is one of the Interior Salish first peoples in the Southern interior of British Columbia, along with the Secwe̓pemc (Shuswap), Lillooet, and Okanagan. The word “Nłeʔkepmxc” means “People of the Creek”.
The Nłeʔkepmxc traditionally use clothing, face painting and jewelry to express the surrounding landscape, their dreams, and their experiences.
The basketry of the Nłeʔkepmxc is known worldwide as a refined form of artisanship. The Nłeʔkepmxc Tribal Council (NNTC) was established in the early 1980’s to protect and promote the title and rights of the Nłeʔkepmxc Nation, and defend and advance interests in jurisdiction and economic rights including access to the fishery and forest sources.

Who We Are

Language Revitalization
Our language is crystallized the intricate knowledge of our environment, our customs, and our history.
While the assimilation policies practiced in Canada until recently prevented several generations of our people from learning their mother tongue, we still have a small but growing number of Nłeʔkepmxcin speakers and are working to revitalize our language.
Environmental Coordinator, Robert Sterling Jr, was given the opportunity to visit the Canadian Museum of History in Gatinueau, Quebec. As you will see, there is a large variety of baskets that have been cataloged as well as different hats and a war bonnet. You will also see that he was able to capture photos of different tools, clothing and jewelry. Thank you for sharing your photos with us Robert!