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Financial Compensation

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Financial Compensation

For confidentiality reasons, the values of compensation cannot be shared in this document but will be available to members at community meetings. Full copies of the agreement are also available for members to view.

Juliette Creek

Kinder Morgan may build a bridge over Juliette Creek. If built, ownership would be transferred to LNIB once the project was in operation.

Kingsvale Powe Line

The Kingsvale Power line is a proposed power line that will be built on LNIB territory. Kinder Morgan will work cooperatively with LNIB towards having the contract for constructing and operating the Kingsvale Power line awarded to a multi First Nations joint venture of which LNIB will be part of. After the powerline is built, ownership will be transfered to LNIB and any other neighbouring First Nations who participate in this opportunity.

The Gist

Under this agreement, LNIB would receive a series of payments. This would be a combination of:

  • One-time payments.
  • Annual payments for the life of the agreement.
  • One time payments relating to emergency response, training and fire hall upgrades.